We love working with mission-aligned corporates that share our values.

There are many ways you can get involved and help us achieve our mission of building more age-friendly communities. Below are just a few suggestions.

If you’re interested in finding out more, please get in touch with Rosanna, our Communications and Fundraising Manager.


How you can help

  • As a small charity, we rely on the support of businesses and individuals to keep our programmes going. Some ways in which you can help include sponsoring a programme, supporting our general running costs, making a contribution to a specific project or donating to help us reach a fundraising target.

  • Nominating us as Charity of the Year is a great way to get your team engaged. You can also encourage employees to organise their own fundraising challenges and match fund what they raise - from office bake sales to taking on a team fitness challenge.

  • We’re always on the lookout for support at our intergenerational workshops. We run workshops across London on weekdays. They usually last two hours (including set up and tidy up) and so they’re easy to fit in around a busy schedule. You can find out more here. You can also support us through one-off volunteering days and pro-bono support. Get in touch to find out more.

  • At InCommon, we’re always learning. If you’ve got a particular skill that you think might be helpful for younger and older people, or for our small team, we’d love to hear from you.


corporate partner spotlight: dif capital partners

InCommon and DIF Capital Partners first met on the DIF Accelerator Challenge, a programme for ambitious startups addressing some of the UK’s most pressing issues. DIF has supported InCommon with corporate fundraising and volunteering since 2022.

A particular highlight was November 2022, when DIF challenged its employees to walk, run, cycle or swim as far as possible in one month. The team covered a whopping 2,351 kilometres and raised £6,540 for InCommon.

We are proud to support InCommon and the amazing work they do in local communities.
— Sasha Roberts, DIF Capital Partners

Stories from participants

Find out more about some of the older and younger people we work with and their experiences of taking part in our programmes.


Geraldine lives in South London. A former teacher, she has enjoyed supporting the children’s learning and building trust with quieter pupils.


Hassan is a younger participant on our programmes. His teacher tells us that he has grown in confidence through interactions with his older neighbours.


James lives in South West London. The workshops have allowed him to get together with his neighbours and meet younger people.


Find out more